Friday night the W.C. J.V. Girls defeated Henderson Co. 25 – 22. W.C. was lead in scoring by Ava Harris with 10 points. Marissa Austin – 7, Alyssa Payne and Sadie Wurth each with 3, and Adeline McDyer added 2.
Saturday the W.C. J.V. Girls defeated Union County in the 1st game by a score of 27 to 8. Scoring for W.C. was Lana Eastwood with 6 points, Ava Harris – 4, Adeline Mcdyer – 3, Marissa Austin, Alyssa Payne, Mariah Austin, Macey Corum, Sara Baker, and Sadie Wurth each with 2 points. Jade Jerome and Hayle Rauch each added one point.

Webster Co. defeated Henderson Co. in the championship game 34 to 16. Scoring for W.C. was Marissa Austin – 10, Sadie Wurth – 8, Ava Harris – 6. Mariah Austin, Alyssa Payne, Adeline McDyer, Lana Eastwood, and Jaci Hardison each added 2 points.