Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Volleyball coach resigns

Webster County High School will be looking for a new volleyball head coach after the resignation of Bradley Brown late last week in an announcement from WCHS athletic director Matt Bell. He will assume assistant football coach duties under newly-hired football coach Adam Turner.

Brown has been the only head coach for the volleyball program since it’s inception four years ago.
“It has been my pleasure to have been associated with a great bunch of athletes and administration these past four years. During this time, the volleyball team has grown immensely and has become a competitive team in our region,” Brown stated. “I wish the best for the girls and I know this year’s team will be ready to take the next step into the regional tournament.”
Bell had nothing but praise for Brown and his dedication to the Lady Trojan volleyball program.
“Brad has devoted many hours to the school and (volleyball) program and has worked hard to develop the young ladies as players and students,” Bell stated. “WCHS appreciates the time and effort he has given.”